The beginning

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After the British first colonization attempt in 1585, and the latter successfull attempt in 1620, the colonists felt as if they were starting anew in the new world. By 1750 there were 13 colonies and estimates of some 5 million people. With this many people in the colonies, King George III of England saw the need for thier protection from enemy invaders. He decided to keep an army of 10,000 men in the new world at all times for the protection of the colonists.

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About me

This blog is made by Josecarlos Martinez, Luis Arturo Echenique an Abraham Yacaman we are students from DelCampo International School and we are doing this blog as a project for U.S History . This blog talk about The american revolution you will find alot of intersting information. You can find videos and pictures. The main porpuse of this Blog is putting the information we had been learning during U.S History class. ;)

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