the French and Indian war

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It was fought all over the world mainly in the U.S. In the U.S it was called French and Indian war and called 7 year war in europe. Fought in the Ohio river valley George Washington was the comander of the troops. The seven year war was fought by : Africa, Europe, Asia and the west indies. It was called like that because french allied the indians to fight the English. French destroyed British fort on lake Ontario and lake George. In 1763 the treaty of paris ended the war triumphantly to british. France was forced to cede all of Canada in exchange for the return of Guadeloupe and Martinique. In addition, Spain obtained French Louisiana in exchange for Florida which was given to the British. While triumphant, the war had badly stressed Britain's finances plunging the nation into debt.

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This blog is made by Josecarlos Martinez, Luis Arturo Echenique an Abraham Yacaman we are students from DelCampo International School and we are doing this blog as a project for U.S History . This blog talk about The american revolution you will find alot of intersting information. You can find videos and pictures. The main porpuse of this Blog is putting the information we had been learning during U.S History class. ;)

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